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How To Clone Your Best Customer With Facebook’s Data (For Free) – Wicked Smart Webinar

Andy believes that he can change the world by impacting the marketing strategy of one local business at a time. He has over 15 years of sales and marketing experience and is a certified specialist in content marketing, email marketing, marketing optimization, and customer value optimization.

Andy is driven to shift the focus away from shiny marketing objects towards strategies that will drive sales quickly.

What Will Be Covered:

-Did you know there is a FREE Facebook tool to target YOUR audience and improve your marketing strategy? Want to learn more?
-Improve your customers’ experience with your brand by discovering what they LOVE, such as their favorite restaurants, authors, music, and places to shop! Are you in the top 5?
-Learn from experts on how to leverage this information to build strategic partnerships and local referral partners

Designed for business leaders, owners, and management, this webinar will provide information and strategies to help you sharpen your leadership skills and help you push through the headwinds in front of your business.

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